Wednesday 21 March 2018

Ida, John and Lottie

Today we are focuses on some of the characters that make up the Droey and Co. collection. Here are returnees Ida Noe, John Espostio and a recent newcomer Lottie Line, who you may remember from earlier in the year.

Lottie has recently met Ida and they have discovered how they both have a love for learning, even if Ida takes it to the extreme! Lottie and Ida have decided to go to the library together and take some books, making a joint exploration of the world's knowledge. John sometimes goes to the library when he knows Ida is there, so that he can be found pretending to be interested in the most sophisticated looking books. 

Of course he'll always leave when she does, he has no other reason to be there. However today, he didn't count on her having a new friend with her. Lottie and Ida took an awful lot of books and we're glad to find John. He offered to help, trying to be the ladies man he thinks he is, only to be sentenced to carrying most of the books! Now all tee of them leave the library leaning something, John having learnt probably the most painful lesson out of the three!

Since I hadn't used them in a while, I decided to make use of my felt pens. For the most part I sucseeded in doing that, but there were some parts that just couldn't be matched up by the cheaper inks. I refer to Lottie and Ida's skin tones.

Now it's time for a little confession, thesis both genuine final result! When I was inking this piece, there was a mishap with one of the eyes (sorry Lottie!) and I used my white ink hoping to wipe the slate clean and start the eye again. However when I tried to apply to the correct ink, I found out you cannot actually mark anything on top of the white ink, thus leaving the section pale!

It's not that I don't like exposing my mistakes, I've willingly done that before; but the sight of the mistake was too off putting for me and I had to edit the eye to make it match, so it was merely for my satisfaction when looking at this piece. It's okay to make mistakes everyone, we learn from them!

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