Monday 30 January 2017

Mix'n'Match Shipping - Coming This Valentines Day

Hello all, Droey here!

Because Valentines Day is coming up, I'm willing to try something new. I don't often draw any fan-art that would be counted as 'shipping' so this time, instead of just doing it, I'm going to allow you people to decide which two characters will be shipped!

There are two polls in the sidebar, each with 10 different options. The goal is to come up with the most ridiculous or unlikely result just to make it more challenging. You'll have until 18:00 on the 5th February to make your contribution, so you better get deciding!

Sunday 29 January 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | B

B is for The Powerpuff Girls?

Well not when you put it like that it's not!

Why do I chose these for B? Probably because my choice for P was already made.

From the stories to the art style, I loved just about every element of this show [the classic of course]. Their designs are superb and compliment each other very well. And of course they have such an unusual collection of villains. These characters have inspired me in terms of how I draw today and characters I have created in my past.

So here are the Powerpuff Girls, I drew Blossom and Buttercup's poses based on the title sequence but wanted Bubbles to do something different and I haven't seen many people draw her embracing Octi so that's what I did.

Have you seen Letter A? If not, you can check it out via my page for 'The Alphabet Challenge'. Look out for C coming soon!

Saturday 28 January 2017


After making the Ace Lightning piece, I couldn't resist reminiscing about days of old when (not to the extent you see in the illustration), being a lightning knight was nothing more than child's play. Here's what it probably would be like if I still did!

As for 'Tenvad', you'll learn more about her in time.

You'll notice that Droey's colours are different to those of in previous illustrations, this is because the original was made with more expensive materials that I shan't be using as often. However it most certainly was a mistake to use what turned out to be my darkest skin tone of Crayola Peach, whoops!

Friday 27 January 2017

The Above Avergae Four

If you're a fan of the show 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here' and watched it last year, you'll know exactly what this is about.

In the 2016 series, the final four were announced and so Adam, Joel, Sam and Scarlett were sent to participate in the Celebrity Cyclone. On their way they renamed themselves and became...

The Above Average Four

Sorry about the white balance, I don't know what went wrong there. Anyway, here's The Purple Pimpernel, Golden Hockey Ninja, Spider Boy and Captain Blue Balls. I chose only to colour the areas in their key colours which looks good on uniformed groups like this.

This is actually a re-draw, I drew this first about a week after the cyclone episode but it never looked right to me, so it was easiest to start from scratch and I finally got around to it.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Letter B Early

Hello all, Droey here!

The next part of my Alphabet Challenge will be uploaded this Sunday so as not go go a fortnight without an addition being posted. As of the letter C, entries will be posted as mentioned on the schedule in the sidebar. 

That's all for now, see you tomorrow!

Saturday 21 January 2017

Weirdo With No Name

This is something that took up the whole page, and like the last piece is based on a song. Fans of this song and the band behind it may have realized it but for those who haven't, this is based on '5 Colours in Her Hair' by McFly.

This was the first drawing of 5 Colours, of which I used the lyrics from the song to create a prediction of this girl's identity. Elements included are the shaving, going insane, the lip ring of course and the rumored nude cooking (which I have made into actually cooking in nude-hue underwear). And yes, that is the Drawson Star tattooed just beneath her underwear, but she don't care.

On this illustration, you can see her before and after the events described in the song. The first drawing is the weirdo with no name nor colours. I exaggerated the weirdo side to her as she's gone insane, of course that's not to say McFly intended her to go literally insane.

And then to the right you can see, one of my favourite pieces in the sketchbook so far, 5 Colours before the events. This allowed me to depict the cloves you're supposed to love. Hopefully people love them, it's probably one of my finest costume designs.

This piece was done via my traditional inked outlines and crayola colours, perfect for the blending colours of her hair. It was about two or three days before this was completed believe it or not!

Friday 20 January 2017

Rock DJ

This is something that I've been tempted to do because in recent years, I checked out the music video to one of my favourite Robbie Williams songs, shocked to see the lengths he was willing to go to just to dance with this girl. As a result, I just had to get this funny idea off my chest (or off my flesh in this case). I'm aware the dress may not be entirely accurate but hey ho!

This piece was composed with a combination of markers and pencils (most probably my favourite method). I found an old Crayola marker coloured Metallic Gold which came in handy for the jewels. The shade of pink for Robbie's flesh almost ruined the piece actually, the brand of pen made it difficult to shade any pencil on top of it, hence the extra red lining.

Friday 13 January 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | A

A is for Ace Lightning

As a start to the Alphabet Challenge, I have chosen a character who I believe was criminally underrated. Ace from 'Ace Lightning' is a superhero from a video game of the same name, brought to life one stormy night along with his allies and foes who bring the fight to Earth.

This piece took me a couple of days and utilized of fine liners and colour pencils. I'll admit that I am not used to drawing human figures with so much attention to realism, preferring a simplistic cartoon style; but regardless I am happy with how this one turned out.

Look out for B coming soon!

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Art Coming Friday

Hello all, Droey here!

I am delighted to announce that this Friday will bring you some of my work and as of that point, there will be content to see being uploaded periodically as I form a regular schedule. I shan't spoil the surprise, you'll have to come and see for yourself what comes up. I hope you won't be disappointed.

I thank you for your patience while I'm getting started.

Droey Drawson

Sunday 8 January 2017

Here's Droey Drawson

Here's Droey Drawson, the blog's mascot!

Droey Drawson is a creative mind with an animated personality. Holder of the pencil, his art can wind him out in trouble or get him out of it.

You'll be seeing more of this guy and some friends of his, so look out for them as this blog continues to post artwork. This was the first illustration for the sketchbook and took about a day. 

My intention for the design was to express my cartoon influences. You may recognize some elements from various cartoons but some of these are elements of my own design which I can't pin to an origin, such as my take on feet and legs.

Well that's all I can say so far, other than this is just the tip of the iceberg. See you next post!

Saturday 7 January 2017

Welcome to Droey's Draws

Hello everyone, welcome to the new art blog 'Droey's Draws'. Here I'll be sharing my art with the world which I hope very much that you'll like. I'm a cartoonist so if that's the sort of thing you like then this is the place for you. Look out for artwork coming soon!