Monday 10 July 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | N

N is for Never forget your references!

Okay, not really. It's Nemo.

If you're curious about the header, then we'll get to that shortly.

I was having a wonder about who to do for the letter N. I can't remember who first came to mind but I know at some point I was considering Nigel Uno from 'Codename Kids Next Door'. However I instead decided to go with Nemo, simply because his film (Finding Nemo of course) was the first film I ever saw in cinemas.

So I sat down and looked up some references for this clown fish, I had never drawn him or any of his kind before. It didn't take me too long to get a decent outline to work with and the next day I inked the chosen lines with an orange pen. Everything was going smoothly as I went onto the next stage in which my watercolour pencils (because what else would I colour a fish with?) got active.

Before applying water to the picture, I got a black marker to ink parts of this piece. And then it happened. I got confused at one particular section of the clown fish and looked up the pictures again. Too late to do anything about it, I realized the biggest patch of white on this fish, right along the middle of his body was coloured in orange! The worst part was it was shaded really well (at least to my opinion, your's may differ). I was gutted with this revelation but kept calm and carried on, not everything you do is going to be perfect. Despite that rather bold error, I really do like this clown fish, and I'm not the only one.

You might not have noticed the lack of white stripe, but you probably won't be able to unsee it anymore. If that's the case then my apologies. If you did notice prior to my confirming it however, then well spotted!

Have you seen the letter M? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as previous entries. Look out for O coming soon!

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