Monday 26 June 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | M

M is for Mystery Twins (Mabel and Mason Pines)

I had no seconds thoughts about who I wanted my M to be. It's as simple as that.

This piece took a few days to put together. The first day was actually deciding how I would present these two characters. I wanted something with a bit more action than my previous alphabet challenge entry which is how I was lead to having Mable making use of her grappling hook. But I also had to counter the action with Dipper's curiosity so the best way to present that I felt was the journal. The tree was a simple choice as Gravity Falls has a lot of trees and they are after all known as the 'Pines Twins' by some.

The next couple of days was spent creating the outlines, which were then erased to near invisibility as I was going to try something. It was attempted before in The Alphabet Chalenge's J but it didn't quite work out as well. What I did was apply colour to the illustration before using my Microns to ink an outline. This time it paid off much better and I can say with confidence that none of the lines have bled.

You may also noticed how instead of placing their names around the illustration I engraved their names into the tree, even crossing out the Mason and replacing it with Dipper. There's another name engraved into the tree, I'll let you guess what it says though. 

I am rather fond of this piece and would happily come back to do this one again some time in the future.

Have you seen the letter L? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as previous entries. Look out for N coming soon!

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