Saturday 8 August 2020

Lexi Gets Her Gloves On

Finger-less gloves can look cool, but trust Lexi to buy gloves that are also Crocs!

I found out that these gloves exist and so knew exactly who should put them on. I gave Lexi a red pair of Croc gloves to compliment her new bandanna. You may not have noticed but Lexi's given herself a new look after that very rainy day some time ago!

This illustration was sketched out in pencil but erased thoroughly so that I could colour the piece to look realistic. While still quite cartoony, there is an accurate depiction of shape and the shading (though it could be darker) is noticeable.

What do you think of Lexi's new look? You'll be able to get a full look of her new design soon. I think this new design is going to be easier to work with, and that's great!

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