Saturday 22 August 2020

Lacy in the Mall

Lacy is supposed to be staying behind in class today to get on with some work. But she preferred the idea of going out to the shopping center!

Lacy gets on the phone to one of her friends as she holds her drink that was purchased from the recently opened TaGo. Meanwhile she's probably got someone else trying to call her to talk her into coming back to do her work. But Lacy thinks she'll just get on with it when she gets home, whenever that is!

Lacy's skin-tone seems to get darker each time I draw her! It's supposed to be a cream colour but when scanned that colour ends up looking closer to brown, which is what's been done here. I used a tan pen and went over her skin twice to match the tone, only it seems darker than ever! I need to invest in more skin-toned pens so that I can make everyone's skin-tones consistent and accurate.

My only other problem with this piece is the purple cup. It stands out too much since the rest of the illustration is made up from yellows, browns, creams and greys. The cup was not meant to be the vocal point of the piece yet it feels like it is. I wouldn't want to change the colour of the cup but perhaps add some more purple elements to the background; perhaps the greys could have been very desaturated purples?

What's your opinion? How do you think I could have better used the purple? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts!

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